Gericke sets new standards in powder blending for allergen control and cleaning efficiency

The mixing of powders is a central process in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. Short mixing time, excellent homogeneity and gentle product handling are of crucial importance. The precise dosing of ingredients in minimal concentrations in particular requires automated solutions and the careful selection of the right mixer.

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Individual recipes and allergens pose special requirements in order to prevent cross-contamination, guarantee product purity and ensure compliance with labelling regulations.

The mixer should therefore process even the smallest quantities of ingredients in the per mille range homogeneously and gently within a short time and minimise downtime for cleaning when recipe changes are required.

In the Gericke GMS Multiflux® mixer, 2 counter-rotating mixing rotors form a fluidised bed. The particles circulate freely in the fluidised bed without the application of force. This explains the short mixing time and the gentle mixing of particles. An increase in bulk density is therefore minimised.

In most cases, cleaning is carried out dry. With the GMS ECD, the entire drive unit and mixing shafts can be easily removed from the housing. This means that the entire interior is extremely well accessible and can be cleaned within a short time.

Another approach to simplify the cleaning process is Gericke's AirCIP system. Automated cleaning with air nozzles. Air pulses first remove product residues from the housing. A targeted air flow then transports the powder out of the mixer via the outlet flaps. The system also cleans the paddles and the inner walls of the mixer so that virtually no residue remains. The AirCIP system can be customised for different products and applications and does not affect the homogeneity or quality of the mix.

The AirCIP system offers several advantages: It reduces product loss, prevents cross-contamination and eliminates the need for manual cleaning between product changeovers. This significantly reduces labour costs in the cleaning process.

The system is compatible with Gericke's horizontal shaft mixers, such as the GMS Multiflux® and the GBM Gericke batch mixer, and can also be retrofitted to existing mixers.