Automatic system for the addition of salt to sauce mixers from Gericke
A precision dosing device discharges the salt from a silo and adds the required batch quantity to a weighed vessel below. The vessel now serves as a conveying vessel for the pneumatic dense phase conveying system. With the proven Gericke PulseFlow® PTA system, the salt is conveyed at low air velocities of typically 4 - 12 m/s through the pipework directly into the various liquid mixers with hot liquid. The respective liquid mixer can be selected with diverter valves and the required amount of salt can be added.
The Gericke PulseFlow® PTA conveying system not only maintains the particle size distribution, but also requires only a small amount of compressed air, which results in low energy consumption. Thanks to the low air volume, no special dust filter is required on the mixer.
All materials that come into contact with the product are made of 316Ti/316L stainless steel, which is suitable for corrosive products such as salt. In addition, the design of the sending container allows the material to be completely emptied.