Internet of Things is here
Assess, Prevent, Predict – Save Money and Energy!
With sensors and fieldbus technology widely available, a process and its equipment can be monitored in many ways. A key expertise of the machine and system supplier is to know what data shall be collected and analyzed. A good example is dense phase conveying. Gericke is a leading supplier of this technology, which by design already saves energy and air. With applying the right combination of sensors and control algorithms, Gericke can even better monitor the state of the conveying process. This allows for further optimization while running the system or scheduling preventive maintenance if process parameters imply a potential change of conditions. With Gericke’s IoT capability, this information can be accessed and evaluated from any location, and a service intervention scheduled before a process stops.
Process Safety – Detect Metal to Metal Contact
Many machines used in powder processing and handling contain moving parts, mostly made of metals. Metal-to-metal contact of such parts can be avoided to a wide extent by applying a high level of production standards and quality checks. However this cannot prevent all cases where metal contact in a running machine can lead to damage or, even worse, to undetected metal parts in the product. Gericke applies its many years of experience in detecting metal to metal contact in rotary valves (RotaSafe), and introduces this technology to other equipment with rotating parts, such as feeders and deagglomerators. The diagnostic information can be processed with any automation systems and accessed remotely.
Automation Integration with Gericke Controller
All the data you monitor and collect only makes sense if is it processed and applied as part of a sophisticated automation concept. Gericke’s new controller family connects the specific expertise used for powder processing to the PLC, MES and ERP network of a customer. The full modularity and access to all common communication protocols allows for integration into any automation architecture, including local WLAN or fully remote access, while maintaining all IT security standards.
About Gericke
The Swiss Gericke Group has been designing and manufacturing equipment and systems for modern bulk material processes, as well as providing design and consultation services, for more than 125 years. Gericke bulk materials processing technology can be found throughout the world in many sectors including the food, chemical, pharmaceutical, plastics and construction material industries.
Gericke’s fully owned group companies employ more than 300 experienced professionals located in Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, The Netherlands, France, USA, Brazil, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and China.