Solutions for the fodder and fish farm industry

The proper conveying of substances and ingredients to animal fodder and concentrated food is preferably done with dense phase technology. The risk of cross contamination is being reduced!

Gericke pneumatic conveying systems also assist operators of fish farms with efficient operation while reducing the environmental impact. The Gericke solution is noted for its very high standard of hygiene. This prevents pathogens from entering the fish enclosures with the food.

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Animal and Aqua Feed

Testimonial from Henk Verbree

Testimonial from Henk Verbree, Project Manager Tebodin, concerning a project at Aliphos Company with a Gericke installation in animal feed processing.

Aqua Feed Conveying

Aqua Feed

The fish feed goes through several transport procedures before it reaches the fish. The soft pellets should be subjected to as little abrasion as possible in the many transfer processes. Gericke pulse flow technology provides extremely gentle transport, with virtually no abrasion. This is important, because the fish are often very selective about their feed. If the soft feed pieces are too severely damaged the fish will ignore them. Uneaten fish pellets cause a serious problem for the water quality in and around the fish cages. Therefore, the gentle transport of the pellets is very important.

Aqua Feed Conveying
Fish Farm
Fish Farm

Lower energy consumption


The solution from Gericke also has significantly lower energy consumption than other pneumatic conveying systems. The operator of a fish farm can save compressed air, which requires an energy-intensive compression process to generate it. This is an important advantage for the efficiency and economy of the overall system, particularly for fully automatic systems such as the feed barges – a type of floating feeding station. 

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Our customers


Leading Edge Powder Processing Technology