Group Management
Expertise, value and trust to fulfill customer needs
Gericke is a multinational Swiss-based company. The centralized head office coordinates general objectives and tasks and functions as a liaison between the affiliated companies.

Executive Group Management
“Many voices-one sound”. This motto was created in a workshop of Gericke group managers striving to explain how we consolidate our globalized company culture for the benefit of the customer. Experts in the powder processing technology industry– Markus H. Gericke, Dr. Ralf Weinekötter and Mr. Thomas Schlumpf – make up the management board.
The Management Board respects and honors cultural and regional differences and considers diversification to be a company asset. Our family-founded roots of the Gericke Group also contribute to our value of long-term stability. In return, we expect and encourage our employees to have an entrepreneurial, open minded mindset. As Group Management we feel responsible for the well-being of our employees and the benefit of our customers. We aim for continuous development and conscious sustainability.

Group Management Services
This team leads all group company activities in marketing, R&D, IT and communication. Their support enables the group’s companies to focus entirely on their engineering, manufacturing and automation activities.

Executive Management Team
Our think tank of experienced, loyal and charismatic officers of the Gericke Group companies form the Executive Management Team. We believe in combining our international and multicultural strengths, and will continue to do so for many more decades to come!